Mobile Patrol Services can give scheduled or random internal and external checks of buildings at any time of the day or night. Additional tasks like securing and alarming premises, eliminating fire hazards or switching off lights and power mains can be carried out while the patrol operates.
Building Locking & Unlock Service
Our officers can carry out a lock up and unlocking service to prepare for the arrival and departure of staff at the beginning and end of the working day. Ultimately whatever your tailored needs are, Assured 24 will ensure your premises are 100% secure.
Lockup and Unlock services can be conducted on an ad hoc basis or can be scheduled as per client’s requirement.
- Random patrols to deter vandals and criminals
- Weekly patrols to vacant properties in order to comply with your insurance company requirements
- Weekly fire tests conducted
- Arming and disarming your alarm system
- The active prevention of fire or flood damage
- After-hours access for contractors, cleaning staff, delivery men, your staff or customers
- The active prevention of fire or flood damage and the monitoring of vital plant and machinery
Typical premises covered by Mobile Security Patrols
- Vacated properties
- Large open areas (car parks, golf courses, recreation areas, parks)
- Areas with restricted line of sight (industrial estates, warehouses, school/university grounds, transport yards)
- Areas which are too dangerous for security guards to patrol on foot (vacated factories, underground parking, shopping centres, high crime areas)