Key Holding Service Livingston

Key Holding Service Livingston AT ASSURED24

Assured 24 provides expert key holding and alarm response services to companies across the Livingston area.

When you provide Assured 24 with a set of keys to your business site, we will respond to all alarm activations on your behalf, not to mention providing a whole range of other more routine access control services.

When you pick Assured 24 as your key holders, you will be guaranteeing that all security threats on your premises will be dealt with by highly trained security experts, rather than putting your staff in harms way.

We will also help you to comply with all ACPOS and lone working obligations and offer a host of other security services that can be included in our key holding packages if required.

Key holding from Assured 24 in Livingston includes:

  • 24/7 response to alarm activations by SIA licensed security officers
  • Opening up the site at the start of the working day and locking up at end of play after ensuring that all is as it should be
  • Conducting security sweeps at pre-arranged times to keep the site secure
  • Allowing access to contractors and tradespeople when the site is vacant, ensuring compliance with lone working guidance
  • Working alongside the police and other emergency services in the event of a serious incident
  • Complete reports giving details on any incidents and how they were dealt with

Save time and money with Assured 24

If you are currently a nominated key holder, you will know only too well the annoyance of dealing with late night alarm activations that turn out to be a false alarm. This can have a knock on effect on productivity for you or your staff the next working day.

If the alert is not false, and there is a very real security threat, your staff could be put in a very dangerous situation, without the skills, knowledge, or experience to deal with it.

Either way, using the key holding services of a security expert such as Assured 24 ensures a reliable and professional response to all alarm activations and could save your Livingston business untold time, money, risk, and stress over time.

Comply with ACPOS

If you have a monitored alarm system in place on your Livingston or Glasgow property, you will need to comply with strict Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) Policy in order to guarantee a police response to alarm activations.

We specialise in helping our customers do just that. This policy states that all key holders must be able to be on site within 20 minutes of an alarm activation, be able to operate the alarm system, and have access to the entire site.

As a local Livingston security firm, we fulfil all these obligations and more, ensuring that the first responders on site in the event of an emergency are highly trained and experienced at dealing with whatever situation is at hand.

Meet your lone working obligations

As an employer, if a tradesperson is carrying out work on your property that is otherwise vacant, you have an obligation to put measures in place to ensure their safety.

This guidance given by the Health and Safety Executive on the risks of lone working is extremely important and having your key holders from Assured 24 on site is the easiest way to ensure that you comply.

Say you have hired a locksmith to install new internal locks on your site or provide other locksmith services whilst the site is otherwise closed for business. We will provide access for the authorised tradesmen, stay on site whilst they are working and lock up again once they leave.

We regularly provide this service on Livingston sites whilst painters, decorators, locksmiths, or any other contractor that you can think of conducts work on our clients premises.

Benefits of Assured 24 Key holding Livingston

Using the key holding services of Assured 24 has the potential to save your company a huge amount of time, money, and inconvenience.

Advantages of Assured 24 Key Holding include:

Keeping your staff safe

Many people nominate staff as key holders, but whilst they are capable of performing routine key holding tasks such as resetting the alarm system at night and unlocking the premises at the start of the day, this is not generally a good idea.

If the worst happens, and an alarm activation is the result of a serious security threat, having a staff member attend the site could have devastating consequences. Instead, leave it to the highly trained SIA licensed professionals at Assured 24, who have the skills and training to deal with all forms of external threat.

Professional response to alarm alerts

When your alarm goes off, you want the people who respond first to be those in the best position to deal with whatever situation they are faced with.

Theft, vandalism, and arson are all threats faced by business site owners that can destroy assets and put the very future of your company at risk. We will use your keys to respond to incidents in real time and help to guarantee a rapid response from the emergency services by meeting your ACPOS requirements.

Contacting the Emergency Services

We work closely with the police and other emergency services on a daily basis, and will contact them directly if we identify a threat on your property that requires it.

We will then keep the site secure, proceeding to work with the emergency services upon their arrival.

Save money

Having Assured 24’s key holding service protecting your site ensures that you have security in place when you need it the most, without having to spend a fortune on 24/7 manned security guards.

Get in touch with Assured 24 to discuss house or business site key holding services or arrange a time and date for us to visit your site in person.

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